
Social Responsibility

Commitment to the UN Ten Principles

Ilmatar Energy has joined the UN Global Compact in 2021. Ilmatar is committed to the UNGlobal Compactinitiative and to its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption in our operations. 

  • Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. 
  • Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining 
    • the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour 
    • the effective abolition of child labour 
    • the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. 
  • Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 

The UN Global Compact aims to develop and help the progress of the environmental, social, and economic responsibility of companies and societies. 

Human Rights Due diligence at Ilmatar 

1. Assess 

As part of UN Global Compact Business and Human Rights accelerator we have completed an assessment of our salient human rights risks which were closely linked to our supply chain. The salient human rights risks we identified were: 

  • Workers’ health and safety 
  • Labour rights’ in the manufacturing locations 
  • Child labour and forced labour in the solar modules and batteries’ supply chain 
  • Land use rights in the areas of indigenous people 

When assessing the salient human rights risks we pay especially attention to the rights of vulnerable people as children, women, minorities, migrant workers and indigenous people.

2. Integrate and act 

As the majority of the potential negative impactsregarding human rights and occupational healthand safety risks lay within the supply chain, Ilmatarstrives to address such impacts byselecting its partners and contractors carefully,tracking their performance and setting targetsfor improvement.   

Our Code of conduct describes our values and principles which we adhere to. We also require all our suppliers to committing to our Code of conduct. 

To integrate and act on our Human rights commitment we have implemented an approved supplier selection process and strict criteria for our procurement function. In order to mitigate any possible risks these requirements are included in all our supplier, partner and vendor contracts. These include an ESG due diligence and on-site audit. We also assigned a third-party auditing firm to complete specific ESG audits in high risk countries. 

For ensuring safe operations on all Ilmatar sites, we have updated the health and safety guidelines for our own employees.

3. Track 

Human rights and safety in supply chain were selected as one of the material topics in our double-materiality analysis that is why they are also embedded at the core of our ESG strategy and targets. These targets will be tracked and reported on a yearly basis in our sustainability report.   

ESG targets related to human and labor rights 2024-2027: 

  • Human rights commitment integrated in 100% supply contracts 
  • LTIF <4 including contractors 
  • Females in highest management positions >40% 
  • Zero-tolerance for harassment 
  • Zero-tolerance for bribery and corruption 
  • 100% of personnel trained on corporate governance (incl. code of conduct, anti-corruption, human rights, environmental policy)

We continue the work within our supply chain by tracking the performance of our suppliers and communicating openly about the risks. We have also implemented digital tools for tracking the sanction lists globally. 

4. Communicate 

Ilmatarpromotes human rights throughout its’ supply chain and communicates transparently ofits’ measures and results to enhance value chainsustainability. We will regularly communicate regarding our social responsibility and human rights efforts in our sustainability report and on our digital channels.


Minimum safeguards assessment  

Following a comprehensive assessment of Ilmatar’s operations and practices, a third-party has concluded that Ilmatar aligns with the Minimum Safeguards set out in the EU Taxonomy. 

Throughout the assessment, it has been evident that Ilmatar is strongly committed to sustainability and responsible business practices, including respect for human rights. Sustainability is a core principle guiding the decision-making processes and the assessment has highlighted a number of positive practices in place regarding integrating human rights and good governance considerations into the business operations. This reflects a proactive approach to respecting human rights and good corporate governance.


At Ilmatar, we take all activity that violates human rights or ourCode of conductvery seriously. That is why we encourage you to bring all possible violations to our attention whenever there is a justified suspicion. We have implemented a whistleblowing channel where you can report suspected irresponsible activity or abuses anonymously.

Access our Whistleblowing channel here