

Hausjärvi In development

Hikiä in numbers


To be operational

54 MWp

Total power

102 ha



Ilmatar is planning an approximately 100-hectare solar power park near the town of Hikiä, in the municipality of Hausjärvi. The project’s nominal capacity is approximately 54 MWp, with an estimated commissioning year of 2025. The permit application documents for the project will be submitted in October.

Management and operation

Upon completion, the high-quality technical and commercial management of the solar park will be the responsibility of Ilmatar’s subsidiary, Ilmatar Service Oy.

Further information

Timo Laitinen
Project Development Manager
Ilmatar Energy Oy
+358 40 550 5500
[email protected]

Inka Hirvonen
Project Developer
Ilmatar Energy Oy
+358 40 524 1881
[email protected]